Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gay Crime

You know, few days ago I watched television and there it was, news broadcast about murder crime. Not just usual murder though, it was mutilation (ughhh). The killed one was a transsexual, and ironically, the murderer is her ex-boyfriend. He said on the television that he killed her because he felt peevish as she forbid him to end their relationship because he wanted to go back to his wife (he is already married! Aww).

Then this murder case is exposed with hullabaloo and all. His face was exposed at the television. Pity him though, his sexual orientation was publicized to the public that way. Well, you might think that it is okay and all, but, living in conservative place like Indonesia, you better seal it tight most of the time for your own good, believe me.

Okay, back to what I want to say, there are many cases like that in Indonesia lo, gay relationship ended and then one party in the relationship kill his mate. Or some gay guys force straight guys to do sexual intimacy with him in return for the facilities they give to the straight guy. And of course, it ended tragically also. Gay crime number in here is quite high lo. Is it only here in Indo, or are there many cases like this also in other countries? Somehow I feel that things like these which make people feel rather dislike gay society, besides belief that gay is contagious I think. But who am I to say :-/

These things also make me more aware, that sometime, gay people can be so sensitive, and you better be not play with this. But yeah, some people apparently can’t learn from the past experiences.

Haizzzz, no playin around is best…

1 comment:

Cedric Sia said...

But humans aren't perfect in every way, there is bound to be some flaws in each and everyone, we should all learn to see pass those flaws ...