Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Got Internship!!!!!!

You must be bored to heart those sad entries I posted earlier in my blog. But now I’ll write really good news I just got today.

I got an Internship I want, huurayyyy!!!!

Cheers for myself---> Me being cocky, lol….

Yea, I got an internship opportunity in one of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) companies here, hehehe. FYI, this company is so hard to get, so that explains why I'm being so happpy and so so. Detail of this company left back to maintain anonymity, of course (sorry^^). All I can tell you is this company is the world's largest FMCG company. After so much interviews and tests, now here I am, hehehe. So for the next two months I will spend my time in J-town, my lovely town for that internship. I’ll keep you up to date with my progress, whuiiiiii…so happy…..

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