Saturday, March 17, 2012

Random Weekend

It's weekend! And I'm in Jakarta for holiday. Yet there's a big 'but' in the end of those sentences.
BUT I cannot go anywhere during this weekend.
I just had minor teeth surgery which made my teeth looks like vampire fangs, and not the pretty kind. Sob... And why on earth did my dentist decide to do this on weekend T.T
If you're like me which barely spends your days at your hometown, that is a big disappointment. Oh well, at least this MONDAY she will fix it up. The teeth I mean.
Until then I will restrain myself from public appearance. #determined

And I got a very weird dream last night, about my recently-resigned senior Tom, I dunno why all of a sudden I had a dream about him. And erotic dream even more! Well, I admit he's kinda hot with his stubble and voice (he really can sing btw). And I suspected him gay (He once accidentally splashed 'that bag is cute' phrase during conversation, duhz!). But never before I got attracted to him sexually.
In that dream I remembered him being naked and I can see that he has shaved and cut p*beep*s. Ah Tom, why do you have to resign so fast...

And here's, my fellow blogger, one hillarious video to conclude my random post for today. Hail Lohan! Hail Killam! Just click at the image to play..

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