Friday, October 20, 2006

Crush Calculator

I’ve just visited Harvey’s blog and found on his latest post something called ‘Crush Calculator’ of which the author claimed that you could calculate the one you like’s feeling. All you gotta do is just typing your full name and 3 people you like. But instead of calculating their crush on you, they just fooling you around by sending the names you type to the one who suggest you to fill that fake calculator.

Well, about one year ago a dear friend of mine also popped the same trick one me. Well, me as a naïve one (no protest :p) excitedly jumped and typed my full name and ones I like into that box without read the disclaimer box correctly.

And when I clicked “Calculate!”

Owh shit! I’ve been fooled. OMG.

You know why I was so frightened? Well yes, because I typed guys names as the ones I like. Arrrgggggghhhhhh. And the thought that the submitted form was sent to one of my straight friends absolutely scared me. Geeeeezzzzz, what my friend would say if they know?????

I abruptly cancelled all my tasks that day, just to meet that friend of mine whose quiz fooled me. After a few blah blah blah and bleh bleh bleh, I (luckily) finally made him sure that I was just joking with that quiz. I also said that I’ve known such trick before and just played on him by filling guys’ names in those boxes. And lucky me he’s kinda unadorned and well…long to short, he just thought it was funny. *my heart was beating so fast in relieve*.

Oh well…

1 comment:

Harvey said...

WOW woW! I got the same exact experience a few years ago you know. Only difference is I only typed one guy's name. Ya lor, I was hyperventilating that time already, so scared that the straight friend (guy) will know that I'm gay. But until now oso he didn't seem to gimme that "You are gay" look, so either he didn't see my crush list or he's convinced that I was putting a guy's name as a joke.