Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hana Yori Dango – Boys Over Flower

Today was so hot, I can hardly stand it. I just don’t like this warm weather; I hope it will be raining soon.
I didn’t feel like to study this afternoon, so I watched this Hana Yori Dango movie, a Japanese TV series I’ve downloaded few months ago. The story based on a comic book with similar title, Hana Yori Dango. In Taiwan there is also TV series based on this book, called Meteor Garden. I doubt any one of you don’t know this film, haha.
The story revolves around this common young girl, named Makino who has an opportunity to enter a school for wealthy kids, Eitoku Gakuen. In this school, there is a group, named F4 (Flower 4). The group consisting of Domyouji Tsukasa (the leader), Hanazawa Rui, Nishikado Sojiro, and Mimasaka Akira; they are the sons of the wealthiest people in that school. As you can guess, they rule the school. They always bully and ditch people they don’t like. Whoever rubs them the wrong way or crosses paths with them gets a red notice on their locker signifying that they are being targeted by F4. The entire school, which idolizes F4, plays along and torments whomever the group chooses. Nah, some time, Makino just gets the so-called “Red Note” from that group, which means she will be bullied and ditched and it was just because she shouted to the F4 because of their rudeness to her friend, Sanjyo Sakurako who accidentally spilled juice on Domyouji’s shirt. She stands to it, not wanting to give in. Thus she becomes their target. When the red notice shows up in her locker, her misery begins. After having her desk dumped outside, trash dumped upon her, paper balls thrown at her, and water dumped on her, Tsukushi runs to her secret stairwell spot, only to find Hanazawa already reading there. He acts quite different from Domyouji and their meeting actually brings a smile onto Tsukushi’s face. The next day, a group of guys drag her into a room to rape her, but Hanazawa happens to be nearby and saves her. At home, Tsukushi blows up at her family over dinner because of the happenings at school. As a result, her parents prepare a special lunch for her the next day that includes lobster. Meanwhile, Domyoji’s personal life is not going so well, and so he takes his anger out on whatever he can. This includes ruining Tsukushi’s lunch and stepping on her lobster. Furious because she knew how much love went into making the lunch, Tsukushi stands up to and punches him, then storms out. The next morning, Tsukushi is kidnapped by several men under Domyouji…. It’s the turning back point actually, cos Domyouji starts to realize his feeling to Tsukushi.
The story going on and not so long after, Doumyoji falls for her. And it’s common la, there are few conflicts along their love such as envious friends, his parent’s disapproval, and so so, but at last, they get their happiness. I don’t review this series in detail, haha. Just watch it; I don’t want to give you a spoiler.

I like the actor who played as Hanazawa Rui, kawaii desu, hahaha. His face is really… Asia (I don’t have any better words to describe his face, lol), I really like Asian face. Even though my face is also really Asia myself =p
I must say, this series is not bad after all. You know, like they picturing cute dreams about love, riches, and its conflicts, but they just end with happy ending. I’m not criticizing this film, though. But…sigh, wish real life can be this easy =)

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Da Vinci Code: Decoded

Okay, broke the promise I made yesterday, that I wouldn’t watch Da Vinci Code on the cinema. But it just can’t be helped since Marc asked me to accompany him.
Wait, don’t get a misunderstanding readers, he’s not my hope-soon-to-be-boyfriend; he’s just my friend from my university. He is taking different major of engineering. Actually we didn’t really close back then; he was more like say-hi-when-you-meet friend, haha (don’t want to be harsh, really). We were getting close recently thanks to the Yahoo! Messenger sessions we’ve been through. About two weeks ago, I told him that I should take one more final exam because my lecturer made a really unfair scoring system so that my grade was also affected, huhu…. He (refers to Marc) gave me a really good advice and a support so that I could get through to that extra final exam. And since that we’ve been pretty close. And when tonight he asked me to accompany him, I practically said yes with no further thinking, lol. Then at 7.00 pm we headed toward Braga City Walk, a new mall in my town.
Okay, let me tell you my opinion of that film:
That film was totally BAD, yes, with capital B-A and D. Really bad. I said this with no intention to compare the film with the book itself. Yah, you know, like Harry Potter for instance, where the film is not like what you imagine when you read the book, but it was fine coz the plot is good and so so. But Da Vinci the movie is really different. Not only the director changed the ending of the story and the actor’s lacking of emotion, but the plot is also linear, really boring. Yawn… I could hardly wait it over, really. I don’t recommend you to watch it. Maybe that’s why Yahoo! Movie gave that movie a C- score. Hmm, at least I learned something today, “Trust Yahoo! Movie’s advice. Read it before wasting two and a half hour in the cinema like I did today.”

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Summary and the Da Vinci

There are few good things lately, here I write them down:
1. Ad finally started to talk to me again. Well, like I said before, he started it so he must finish it (I can be so stubborn if I want).
2. That annoying D guy didn’t call me anymore. Hahh, it does relieve.
3. My exams were finished. Well maybe not all of ‘em, but at least the difficult ones were.

I’m so relieved. Especially because that D guy didn’t call me anymore, cos you know, he was really annoying back then. Yesterday, my friend J asked me to watch Da Vinci Code at the Cineplex21 but I’m so reluctant, since I read Yahoo! Movie’s review about that film. It was said that Da Vinci is lacked of imagination and so so.… That Da Vinci the Movie is really different from the book itself. It was also said that if you have ever read the book before you watch the movie you would be disappointed.

Hmm…I’ve read the book before, and all I can say about it is that the book was not so imaginative itself. But I admit that Brown (Dan Brown-the author of Da Vinci Code) was really creative with the cryptex, puzzles, and the Last Supper things. How can the film be lack of imagination even more? Maybe I’ll just buy the DVD later.

DVD Rental Guy

Not far from my dorm, there’s this new DVD rental place which Ty recommends. So last Sunday after we went to the church I asked Ty to accompany me there. I just wanted to buy, or maybe rent some DVDs. You know, refresh my mind before getting into that study-before-test thing.
While we arrived there, the rental was still closed. It said that it would open at 10.00 am sharp. Nah now still 9.45, we have 15 minutes to wait.
Chit-chat with Ty about a book we read the night before. Do you know Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki? Sure you know, this is one book which is said to be a marketing-guru masterpiece. No, I don’t want to review that book rite now. The book which we read is John T. Reed’s Analysis of Robert T. Kiyosaki’s Book Rich Dad Poor Dad by John T. Reed. In this book, Reed tries to prove the inconsistency and how wrong Rich Dad Poor Dad is. That Kiyosaki is a big liar and just a manipulator. That he was just got rich because of that book, not because he is a marketing-guru as he said. I must say, I do have same thought as Reed does, even before I read his book.
Whops, let’s back to the main story. At 10.00 am sharp, we heard the sound of a motor engine, someone has arrived, and it was the rental’s owner.
He got down from his motorcycle and detached his helmet. And when I saw him, I was speechless. Man, he is gorgeous. Well maybe not that gorgeous, but still he is adequate. I presumed he was on his 27 or 28. He’s just too gorgeous to be straight, haha. But I knew that he really is, cos I didn’t feel that ‘something’ feeling on him.
Then he opened the door for us and we (me, Ty, and him) entered the rental. While I browsed through the shelf looking for DVDs, sometimes I took a peek on him. Whoa, he was cute. Cool and calm.
Yah, after I got the DVDs I got to the counter and paid the fee. Didn’t forget to take a peek once more on him. Haha, I’m not that ‘gatel*’ kind of guy, I did it just for fun. You know the term ‘do see only but not touch’? Nah it represents me well :p

*gatel = Indonesian term, means ‘bitchy, sluttish or coquettish’

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Annoying Intruder Part 2

## Haloo Chris, how are you? What are you doing? Listen, can we meet tonight, maybe at 22.00, after I‘ve done with some stuffs. I can go to your dorm so that we can…you know la… since the night is so cold.##
Look at the guy who has just sent me a short message. Yes, you’re rite. He’s that (I’m sorry before my readers) f******-annoying-repugnant-stupid-thoughtless D guy AGAIN.
Hahhh, just taking my breath slowly, trying to be calm and not lose my patience.
What a stupiborn (that means stupid and stubborn) guy. Couldn’t he see? Every time he calls, I’ve intensely tried to avoid it. But still, he calls again and again. I don’t know what again I should do to make him forget about his liking (if I may say, his obsession) of me.
So I reached my mobile phone,
*typing the reply to him*
##Sorry, you mayn’t. I’m with Chris rite now at Jakarta. Btw, who you are, huh? Can’t you show us a bit of courtesy? You should have known that he is mine. Don’t bother to make your way with him lah! ##
Which not fully lie, since I was at Jakarta with my I-hope-soon-to-be boyfriend (yah, at least close friend la, since I like him so).
So sorry for did this to you D. I don’t really hate you, but you know, sometimes you just too annoying. Too push-over if I may say. If you want to be my friend, well it’s okay, but you must know the limits (and of course, you should seriously FIX your acute manner disorder) first. I didn’t mean to be harsh, really. You made me to.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Annoying Intruder

Since two weeks ago, I’ve been receiving missed calls from this unknown number, +62813-xxxx-xxxx. At the beginning, I’ve tried to neglect those calls, but…as time goes by, it feels so annoying. You know, it’s kinda like a stalker, always following you around but you can’t get rid of it.
Even I’ve tried to answer those calls, but if I pick the calls, he dropped it. I said “he” here because from the beginning, I knew that my stalker is a guy. Then I called him few days ago, tried to ask him what his intention is for calling me. Here, I write my conversation with him as well.
“Wei, who’s this?”
“Halo, it’s me, D.”
“And who are you, D?”
“Umm, we’ve chat in the IRC not long ago. You gave me your number there.”
Funny, since I’ve NEVER gave my mobile phone number in ANY conversation in IRC, especially to first-chat guy. I’ve started to figure out his motive.
Then I asked him, “Okay, so…?”
“Are you studyin’ right now?”
“Ya.” Hm hm hm.
“University of course, not in kindergarten.”
“Hehe, I know. How old are you?”
“Do you mind if I’m much older than you? I’m 25.” As if I would do sumthin with that :-/
“No, sure not. Why should I mind about that?”
“Can you send me your pic?” Why should I?
“No, I didn’t save my pic on my mobile phone.” And I meant it.
“Well, can we meet?” Haha, nice try. Common.
“Ow, I’m sorry, but I can’t, I’m very busy lately.”
“Then would you mind if sometimes we meet?”
As a well-mannered person, I didn’t say “Nop, bye. You’re wasting my time, and also my phone credit.” But I said,
“Okay, sometimes, call ye later. Cu.” Thought the prob was over.

How wrong I was. Maybe he felt that I gave him a green light by called him that night. Yes, those annoying missed calls are decreased, but he’s still an annoying guy,
Few days after, he sent me a short message,
##Hello, can you call me at this number? +622x-xxxx-xxxx. This is my friend’s phone. Thank you. Ditunggu lohh * ##
Heee??!! Who does he think he is? You’re the one who need me, right? So why should I call you? I was amazed. What a decorous man he is, isn’t he?
I was with Ed at the moment. When I showed that message and tell Ed who that D guy is, he said,
“Euww, what a loser. Where did you know that man?”
“Dunno, he said I gave him my number on IRC, but I didn’t do that, for sure.”
“Hmm, it’s odd. Here, let me check the number on my mobile phone.”
*Ed checking that number*
“I don’t know this number either.”
“Okay, I’ll give the last reply to him.”
Once again, as a well-mannered person, literally, I replied,
## I’m sorry but I can’t call you, my phone credit has reached the limit.##

Then he replied,
##That’s what I mean. This is a local number, so you can call me from a public phone center. I’m waiting.##
Yuck! How could is there such a guy like this…. He’s getting my last nerves.
Calmly, I reached my mobile phone
*press the power switch*, and turned it off.

* Ditunggu lohh : An Indonesian phrase, means “I’m waiting rite now. So you SHOULD call me ASAP. Once again, I’m waiting, so don’t be slow.”

Saturday, May 20, 2006

寂寞的季节 - Ci Mo Te Ce Cie - Season of Loneliness

Ji Mo de Ji Jie
Season of Loneliness
Song: David Tao Zhe

feng chui luo zui hou yi pian ye
The wind blew down the last leaf
Wo de xin ye piao zhe xue
And my heart is snowing.

ai zhi neng wang hui yi li dui die
Love can only return to the start and begin again
oh~ gei xia ge ji jie
OH~ for the next season.

hu ran jian shu shao mao hua rui
Suddenly a seedling sprouts
wo zen mo hui dou mei you gan jue?
How could I have not felt it?

oh~ 整条街 都是恋爱的人 
oh~ zhen tiao jie dou shi lian ai de ren
OH~ the streets are filled with lovers
wo du zi sou zai nuan feng de ye
I walk in this warmth alone.

duo xiang yao xiang guo qu gao bie
I really want to go ober and end it.
oh~dang ji jie bu ting geng die
But the seasons keep continuing.

oh~ 却还是少一点坚决 
oh~ que hai shi shao yi dian jian jue
OH~ Acutally I still lack some will power
zai zhe ji mo de ji jie
In this season of loneliness

yan yang gao zhao zai na hai bian
There's a brightness near the shoreline
ai qing sheng kai de shi jie
that was opened up by Love.

yuan yuan kan zhe re nao yi qie
From afar I watch this warmth
oh~ 我记得那狂烈
oh~ wo ji da na kuang lie
OH~ I still remember that wild love

chuang wai shi kuai ku huang de ye
Outside the window is a withered leaf
感伤在心中有一些 oh~
gan shang zai xin zhong you yi xie oh~
I feel my wounds still have some OH~

我了解 那些爱过的人 
wo liao jie na xie ai guo de ren
I understand those that have loved before
xin shi ru he man man zai diao xie
of how the heart withers and falls

duo xian yao xiang guo qu gao bie
I really want to go over and end it
当季节不停更迭 oh~
dang ji jie bu ting geng die oh~
Bu the seasons keep continuing OH~

que hai shi shao yo dian jian jue
Acutally, I still lack some will power
zai she ji mo de ji jie
In this season of loneliness

you zou guo feng chui de leng jie
Another stormy season of loneliness
zui hou yi zhan deng xi mie
the last light of hope has extinguished.

cong hui yi wo man man chuan yue
From now on, I will slowly make my way through
zai zhe ji moe de ji jie
this season of loneliness

hai shi ji mo de ji jie
Still this Season of Loneliness.
yi yang ji mo de ji jie
The same Season of Loneliness.
You know, at past time, if you told me that I would feel empty sometimes, maybe I would just laughed or tell ya that it’s cliché and I wouldn’t feel so, not soon at least. I have a nice family, friends, and a good life. What more would I ask for? And why would I feel lonely?
Now I realize that how wrong I was for just thinking such stupidity. Since I went off to college about 2 years ago, I often feel like I’m isolated from the outside world. Even though I used to hang out with my college friends, have many activities and so on, still I feel empty rather than fulfilled.
Now is one of the times when I feel lonely and empty because of no reason. I do have duties and responsibilities, but…if I think about’em all, they don’t give any meaning at all. Making me busy and turn my mind from feeling lonely just for a moment, after all, I’m still lonely.
I’m melancholic sometimes, I admit. Even I started this blog because of that reason; So that I could free myself from those blue feelings. Still, those feelings exist. How funny, isn’t it? Even I myself can’t comprehend who I really am at times.
I want to know, do you feel the same? Tell me, cos I will really glad to share this burden.
I want to go home, meet my family and all dat, cos there where my heart is.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Le in Denial

Just chat for a while with Le in Yahoo! Messenger. We do have meaningful conversation about the latest celeb’s rumors. Haha, we’re such a gossip-mastermind (or in Indonesia, you call it bigos-biang gossip, wakakak) since we know almost all of the latest gossip.
Well, Le is also one bisexual-in-denial person. It’s kinda funny actually, to observe a person who has strong tendencies to be bisexual or homosexual but try to deny it hardly by pretending to be a hetero.
Recently, I’ve read about such case from a psychological article in a magazine. It said that person who tries to deny his/ her actual sexual orientation couldn’t enjoy both his/ her personal and sexual relationship with others. So why bother on such problems if you can deal with it. Besides, homosexual or bisexual IS NOT a disease (as those anti-gays think). And also that doesn’t kill you to admit your sexual orientation.
Please understand that I don’t urge people who have those tendencies to be homosexual or bisexual either, but I think it will be easier to accept it and enjoy life. Just deal with it and go ahead.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Tagboard

If you notice, since about 2 weeks ago I’ve added a tagboard on my blog. I grabbed it from, a site where you can get free or premium tagboard. But dunno why, the Shoutmix domain has expired. Maybe coz Shoutmix couldn’t pay the cost for renting the domain again. Hmm, possibly because the customers of always choose the free tagboards (as I did, haha), and never choose the premium tagboards.
Oww, poor Shoutmix.

PS: By the way, I’ve gotten a new tagboard already. Be sure to tag me, kay.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Is Ty Gay?

By the way, some readers of my blog asked me about Ty.
“Chris, is Ty gay, since he is close to you and so on?”
Well, all I can say…
Not all my friends are gay, guyz. And Ty definitely IS NOT gay. But I wouldn’t mind if Ty actually is, haha. He is a CUTE (with capital C-U-T and E) little guy with a sweet smile. You would agree with me if you see him.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Night Cuisines

Tonight I and Ty are going to cook for our dinner. Wait, have I told ya before that Ty is my another dorm mate beside that stupid A? Huhhh can’t imagine live just with that stupid guy; luckily Ty with me.
Well, since we don’t have enough ingredients for making complicated cooking, we just going to make oyster-sauced-corned-beef and oyster-and-tomato-sauced-mackerel, haha. Simple, isn’t it? All we need is just:
For oyster-sauced-corned-beef:
A can of corned beef, as the main ingredient.
Sliced tomato. Just for a bit sour taste.
Oyster sauce, of course. We use a new product from Aji-No-Moto (dunno if I spell it right or wrong).
Egg, just one.
Half glass of water.
Black pepper, because we like hot and spicy food.
Salt, just a bit.
Margarine or vegetable oil for cooking.

For oyster-and-tomato-sauced-mackerel:
Few pieces of mackerel. In our case, we use canned fish for simplicity.
Sliced tomato (again), haha. We love tomato.
Oyster sauce, as I mentioned above.
Half glass of water.
Vegetable oil.

The procedure is just as simple as the ingredients:
1. We pour the vegetable oil into the pan and heat it for a minute or so.
2. After the oil heated well, we plunge the tomato slices and cook it for a while until wilted.
3. Pour the oyster sauce and continuing cook until it smells good.
4. We plunge the other ingredients; add a tiny-winy-bitty salt, pepper or other spices as you wish and stir well.
5. Wait and stir it for a few minutes until the water get drained a bit. I said a bit! Not too long or your cooking will be scorched (in case you follow our recipe).
Voila, our cooking is ready.
Hmmmm, 好吃 (hao chi - delicious) lho. Pity us, I can’t show you the picture here because my camera was broken :-p

Papa Ron’s Pizza

This afternoon I went to Papa Ron’s Pizza with my friends to celebrate our Regional Plant Design Competition success. The competition itself was held about a month ago at my college.
So there we were: me, Ann, Ty, Vera, and Guz. At the moment we came, our friends have been waiting there, it would be started soon. It was all-you-can-eat day, meaning you are allowed to eat as many pizzas as you can. Unfortunately, the restaurant’s service was below my pizza-restaurant-standard (Pizza Hut, of course), such as:
1. Those clumsy waiter/waitress: Why did they let us wait for so long before giving us the pizza? Almost a century we’ve waited for it. We’ve been satisfied of waiting, ya know? And is it a must for you to give each slice of pizzas personally? It takes much time, since there are more than 80 hungry people there.
2. The air conditioner seemed not working.
3. Gloomy environment, since all the lamps was turned off. Even if it was 12 o’clock in the afternoon, still it was obscure.
4. The pizza toppings: It practically consisted of pineapple, mozzarella, mozzarella, and mozzarella. Sigh…
Hmm, at least I’ve learned something that day. If some other time I’m going to celebrate any thing, I’m not going to Papa Ron’s.

P.S: Yet, my stupid dorm mate leaved the dorm before me without said anything. And guess who I met at Papa Ron’s…. Sure, you’re right, that stupid fella. Oh, like I care.


This post specially requested by Nico, my old friend (literally, hehe)
“Cs, I found someone in my English class, cute and so on lor…”
“Ow, what’s he looked like? Is he gay?”
“Yes, of course he is “sick” as we are.”
I was astonished when a friend of mine told me that term. What sick?
I dunno where everybody gets idea for that stupid term. Isn’t it pathetic to tag yourself as “sick”? Isn’t it meaning that you admit there’s something wrong with your mind or your body? I myself refuse to label myself as if I’m abnormal human being, despite the facts that I’m bisexual rather than heterosexual.
So what if I’m homosexual or bisexual, that doesn’t meaning that I’m abnormal (or normal, instead). Even though you, people who label yourselves as ‘straight’ (It’s another stupid term; so what gays are? Oblique?) don’t really know the boundaries of what’s normal and abnormal are, yet you blame gays for loving and caring for each others. It’s blurry, you know?! It’s impossible to tell what normality is while you don’t really understand about it (so am I). So the discussions ended. Word.

PS: For those anti-gays people, I pity you… Why bother judging others while you need to improve your manners.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Apologies

Dear readers, this May is going to be a rush (with that final exam, assignments, and so on). I say that I’m sorry before, for the lack of posting ahead this month. Hope you can understand :-)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Cold War

Wah, I’m so sorry for the lack of posting recently due to my activity rush. Whoa, exams almost everyday and assignments were falling like rain. Fuiih, and now I finally have few days to recover my strength, haha. Anyway, that’s not I want to share with you today.
I forgot, have I ever told ya about my dejecting dorm mate? For simplicity, I will mention him as Ad here (since that is his initial). Day after day, that stupid guy makes me dislike him even more. Recent incident started about few days ago, when I received a short message from one of my friend, telling me about an extra-lecture-for-preparing-yourself-before-test tomorrow. As usual, I forwarded that message to my friend network.
In case you don’t know, sometimes in my college, we (students) spread quick and short information (such as information about extra lecture or canceled lecture) via the SMS network; we make a message-chain through each student so that every student will get the notification shortly.
Later on the same day he came, and we did a lil’ chat, but I didn’t mention about that extra lecture, though, since I thought he would get that notification from that network too (he is on the lower level of the network than me, so practically he would get that message after me).
The day after that, I went to the college earlier, still I didn’t mention about that extra lecture to him because I thought he has known about that. When I was going through the door he asked me,
“Chrisss, where are ya goin’?”
With no thinking at all I answered, “As usual, to the Computation Laboratory…”
*picking my stuff and tying my shoes*
I didn’t lie; I was going to that place, indeed, before going to that extra lecture.
“OK, cu”
Then I leaved.

At the time of the lecture, he came, with a resentful expression on his face.
He talked, “Heh, Cs, when did ya know about this extra lecture?”
“Hmm, since yesterday evening. Why?”
“And WHY DON’T YOU TELL ME?” he said stressfully on that part of sentences.
And with THAT ANNOYING SMIRK on her face. Hate him when he does that. Is it a must (to have a disgusting smirk like that) ?
Still didn’t get the whole prob, I answered,
“Well, I have forwarded the note via the network, Ad. Didn’t ye get it?”
“NO!” What a sweet answer isn’t it?
“I’m sorry; I didn’t think that the chain would break. I thought you have known.”
So I thought the prob was finished at that point.

When I arrived at the dorm that evening, I found him at the center table, studying like crazy, like sky is going to fall or what if he didn’t do so (if only you can see how…I’m sure that you will agree with what I’ve said). Tried to make conversation, I asked,
“I’m really sorry about recent, so how did you know about the lecture then?”
“From Fan” (Fan is my friend too, he lives nearby).
I started to reckon that his tone was kinda harsh. So I didn’t talk much then.

One day after that, without said anything, he left while I was preparing to go to the college. Usually we go together. So as the day after. He left just like that.
And since that we rarely talked to each other. Even though few times we talked, all the conversation was just like,
“Do you need that stuff?”
“No, take it.”
“I’m eating.”
Silly, isn’t it? Mad just because such little thing. Maybe he thinks that I did it on purpose. So that he couldn’t come to the lecture. Ad, maybe you should do a brainwash first. You have been my dorm mate for almost two years lor. How could you think that I have such bad intention on you? Moreover, it’s not like I would get benefits from your absence.
Don’t say that I didn’t try to solve it from the beginning. Oh well, you started it. You finish it.

Friday, May 05, 2006

A Secret Wife? Ssshh… Keep It A Hush-Hush

Just after I thought I've found someone who can understand me, he started to be cold. Still dunno why he did that. Is that just on me? Why did he never tell me anything?
Argggh, enough for that itty-bitty thing. What I want to tell ya today is another thing.
I have a friend, the name is L. I knew him 2 years ago coz he is senior in my faculty, few months ago he has been graduated.
I don't really like him, though. Let me describe him... he is as gay as you could think of. He is too sensitive, I repeat, TOO SENSITIVE; you can always easily make him mad at you, for almost no reason. I don't really this kind of people, coz I usually honestly say what I have in mind, whether you like it or not, as long as I know that it’s true. This kind of people usually misunderstood me.
Once, he thought that I had a crush on him, just because my friend jokingly told him so. Thus, he avoided me like I was spreading virus onto him. Even he didn’t come to our faculty’s religious group he attended before because several times I came to that group’s events. So what? I’m the member of the same religion as him, beside we was in same faculty. Even if I came to that group, that wasn’t mean I really liked him that I always want to see him every time, right?
He told my friend Ed then,
“Tell your friend, Chris. He should come to the religious group to see God, not for looking for a partner.”
Ha?! I was shocked. Who does he think he is? Get a grip man!! I was not that low to tailing him everywhere (Even if I DO like him, I wouldn’t do that stupid thing. Moreover I didn’t like him. Word.). Ah, never mind, I don’t really care about what he thinks of me.

Nah, back to the story I want to tell you before…
In our faculty, there is a lecturer, named Dr. R. Suspiciously gay, even though he has already married back then. He completed his latest degree in Groningen, Deutsch (strong enough to fervent my suspiciousness for him, Deutsch…). So, this L was the lecture assistant for Dr. R, I know because Dr. R was lecturing me for that lecture.
And not long ago, I heard that this L is going to take the Doctoral degree without taking the Master degree. Also in Groningen, Deutsch. That was the beginning.
Several times I’ve met L outside the Dr. R’s office in the early evening, seemed waiting for something (or someone?). Do you think what I think, don’t ya?
Yes, Ed and I have discussed it this afternoon during our lunch break. We think that L is Dr. R’s secret WIFE. How could we conclude that? Let me mention our evidences and arguments, despite facts above:
1. I never met L again, looking for someone to spend a night with, in chat room. Before recent, he was so active there (Man, he is a faithful wife, hehehehe).
2. If, for some reasons, he joins in a research (not a 1on1 affair), why didn’t he just enter the building, but just waiting outside?
3. In my faculty, researches or academic activities is limited until about 3 or 4 PM, while L was waiting in the early evening. So this must be not for a research or academic purpose (except for ‘anatomy research’ purpose :p ).
4. Once I saw L driving Dr. R’s car, in the evening. That must be not for academic purpose, is that?
Ed laughed when I brought this topic upfront to him, but he said that he has the same suspiciousness as I do. If only that’s true…whoa, L what are you thinking about? He is twice your age lor, besides he has a wife already. And for Dr. R, all I can say is
“Are you NUT?”