Ah, after yesterday I was attacked by a sudden drama moment, now I’m back, ahaha, better now. I also thank famezgay for the suggestion =) Guess I’ll do what he said when I meet him (Chris) later. I know time won’t wait, and I don’t want to regret it later for not telling him the truth. Better for me to tell him, whatever the consequences are. Lol, can’t wonder what Ed will say this time. Ah, miss Ed and his cruel comments, since he has been outta town for weeks.
Oww look at the PLU Blogs tag picture below (below my hit counter), it has changed lho, dunno when, cos I just realized it. Now it has a greeny greeny appearance, which is better I think, than the old grey one.
Talking about PLU Blogs, I don’t really understand how they put the rank ya? Is it based on the number of visitor per month? Or is it the total visitor? Still a riddle for me =p
:) all the best to u yah!
Thanks for your support dude =)
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Erm... Just go on. actually, i am really curious, wondering how it would be when u told him so.
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