Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Pope In Spain

This following news is quoted from Kompas newspaper (July, 10th 2006) and manually translated for this blogging purpose.

Valencia, Sunday - Pope Benedict XVI, who ended his two-day visit to Spain (Sunday, 9/7) appealed the Catholic members to unite with the Church in keeping the conservative values in their families and defending the families from secularism, figuratively criticized few of Spain’s social constitutions.

The Holy Mass at a Valencia’s park which was attended by hundred thousands of Catholic members includes King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, is one of Pope’s important agenda from the 26-hours visit, intended to gain the power to face as-what-the-Pope-said “fast-secularism” in Spain.

The Prime Minister of Spain, Jose Luis Zapatero, who did validate the same-sex marriage, fast divorce process, and other liberal laws which made the Church furious, didn’t attend the mass.

The Pope didn’t blatantly critic that legalization of the same-sex marriage. Instead, he said the importance of a family, underlined that a marriage is supposed to be heterosexual and just once in a lifetime, and he also praised the marriage between a man and a woman as a part of “God’s filled-with-love plan”.



In his speeches after his arrival from Rome, Benedict said that a family is “a unique institution in God’s plan” and that Church just legalizes the marriage between heterosexual couples.

Vatican has warned that a family is threatened by those liberal laws such as the same-sex marriage law which just recently legalized in Spain, Holland, Belgium, and Canada.


Good job, Zapatero!! Lolz =D

Wish they also make it legal in Asia region ya, wakakakak.

1 comment:

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